Tuesday, July 7, 2009



The structural compound behind HALOVAR is (4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1, 4-diene-3-17b-diol). Halovar™ exhibits an extremely high anabolic to androgenic ratio translating into hard and consistent muscle gains with NO aromatization. These gains are notably extremely dry and lean in nature, making this product a favorite for the pre-contest athlete, or as an anabolic adjunct to any mass stack. Users realize a solid, consistent accumulation of quality musculature for an extended period of time.

“InSLINsified™” Proprietary Insulin Mimetic and Potentiation Complex In an effort to elevate and differentiate our products the new PURUS LABS™ products have been “InSLINsified™.” Quite simply, we wanted to be the first to include “pro-insulin” ingredients in conjunction with “pro-anabolic” products. It is insulin, not testosterone, not growth hormone that reins king of all the body’s anabolic hormones. From nutrient repartitioning, increased glycogen storage, increased protein synthesis, to muscle cell volumization, the anabolic effects of insulin cannot be overlooked. This is precisely why we have chosen to include our InSLINsified matrix, consisting of only research proven insulin potentiators and mimetics, in all our “pro-anabolic” products at no additional cost to you. InSLINsified™ consists of chromium picolinate, cinnamon bark extract, fenugreek, and ALA (alpha lipolic acid), all of which have medical research warranting their inclusion in our matrix.

InSLINsified™ Benefits Include:
Increased post-exercise glycogen resynthesis
Enhance GLUT 4 trafficking and insulin stimulated glucose transport
Lower insulin resistance/ increase insulin sensitivity
Increase carbohydrate metabolism
Improve glucose utilization
Enhance insulin signaling pathway in skeletal muscle.

Purus Labs Halovar : Testosterone Booster