Tuesday, July 7, 2009



The structural compound behind HALOVAR is (4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1, 4-diene-3-17b-diol). Halovar™ exhibits an extremely high anabolic to androgenic ratio translating into hard and consistent muscle gains with NO aromatization. These gains are notably extremely dry and lean in nature, making this product a favorite for the pre-contest athlete, or as an anabolic adjunct to any mass stack. Users realize a solid, consistent accumulation of quality musculature for an extended period of time.

“InSLINsified™” Proprietary Insulin Mimetic and Potentiation Complex In an effort to elevate and differentiate our products the new PURUS LABS™ products have been “InSLINsified™.” Quite simply, we wanted to be the first to include “pro-insulin” ingredients in conjunction with “pro-anabolic” products. It is insulin, not testosterone, not growth hormone that reins king of all the body’s anabolic hormones. From nutrient repartitioning, increased glycogen storage, increased protein synthesis, to muscle cell volumization, the anabolic effects of insulin cannot be overlooked. This is precisely why we have chosen to include our InSLINsified matrix, consisting of only research proven insulin potentiators and mimetics, in all our “pro-anabolic” products at no additional cost to you. InSLINsified™ consists of chromium picolinate, cinnamon bark extract, fenugreek, and ALA (alpha lipolic acid), all of which have medical research warranting their inclusion in our matrix.

InSLINsified™ Benefits Include:
Increased post-exercise glycogen resynthesis
Enhance GLUT 4 trafficking and insulin stimulated glucose transport
Lower insulin resistance/ increase insulin sensitivity
Increase carbohydrate metabolism
Improve glucose utilization
Enhance insulin signaling pathway in skeletal muscle.

Purus Labs Halovar : Testosterone Booster

Saturday, May 30, 2009

VPX Meltdown Z-14 - 120 Caps

VPX Meltdown Z-14 - 120 Caps

Meltdown Science:
Combines the synergistic fat burning power of beta andrenergic agonists (MethylSynephrine) and alpha andrenergic antagonists (Yohimbine HCl, alpha-Yohimbine and 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine). In simpler terms it activates fat burning mechanisms in your body while simultaneously blocking the internal biochemistry that prevents you from burning fat by guarding one of the body’s key fat burning hormones called Norepinephrine (NE). When fat burning is both promoted and protected at the same time we call this effect “synergistic”. So, instead of 9 (activation factor) + 8 (protection factor) equaling 17 on the fat burning scale, this synergistic combination has a geometric effect of 72!

The powerful fat loss agent, 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine is of great interest here because regular Yohimbine yields a roughly 32% increase in the fat burning hormone, NE. Compare this to 11-Hydroxy Yohimbine that yields an even more impressive research proven 56% increase in the potent fat burning hormone, NE. We are only now just studying how the combination of the other Yohimbine compounds in Meltdown work in concert to increase NE even further. With the combined effect of alpha-Yohimbine and 11-hydroxy Yohimbine contained in Meltdown blocking both alpha-1 and alpha-2 receptors, my hypothesis is that we are looking at a 81%+ increase in NE!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Sale! 5lb Optimum Nutrition Vanilla Cream $39.95

For a limited time only we are offering 5lb Vanilla Ice Cream Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard for $39.95. Buy 2 and only pay $37.95 for each one. Don't delay, buy them today before the sale goes away.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

"God Bless America"

THANKS to all of the Men and Women of our Armed Forces, Past and Present, for letting us have the freedom we do, day and day out!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Need to lose a few extra pounds for the summer?

Lipo 6 Black 120 Caps

What you are holding in your hand is a bottle ofthe meanest, strongest and cruelest fat burner this planet has ever seen: Lipo-6 Black. We went down to the laboratory and cooked up the most vicious blend of fat-burning compounds imaginable.This wicked formula is operating in a territory no other fat burner has ever dared to go. LIPO-6 Black attacks body fat with a killer instinct formulatedto instantly incinerate it wherever the two meet.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

VPX NO SHOTGUN V3 1.43LB on Sale

We got a huge shipment of VPX No Shotgun in last week and are offering it to all of our customer's for $29.95 each. What are you waiting for? Head on over today and shop away and save loads of money...

Click HERE to go to our on line store.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lipodrene and Stimerex (free shipping)

We are still offereing free shipping on both Stimerex and Lipodrene with ephedra throughout the Memorial Day weekend. The response has been great and we would like to make sure others who have gotten the message late to be included as well.

Click here Lipodrene and Stimerex (free shipping) to go directly to our site and make the purchase.